We will host an Open Court Program Overview on 11/13. Join McGraw-Hill to learn about this HQCM-approved program. Participants will be equipped to return to their districts with information to assist them in the materials review process. Register: https://tinyurl.com/bxaxyj5f
Registration for the Open Court Program Overview, being held Nov. 13, is now open. Join McGraw-Hill to learn about HQCM-approved Open Court. Participants will be equipped to take info back to their districts to assist in the materials review process
Did you know the RIASEC framework helps students consider their personal strengths when considering their future career paths? Did you know we have experience that will help them better understand this process? Contact tphilhower@eastcentralesc.com for more information.
Fri-yay! Another busy day at ECESC!
We were grateful to host the Indiana Association of School Business Officials district meeting this morning, which included an informative presentation by Brenda Erbse from IDOE.
We also hosted our district finance and business leaders for a Cooperative Purchasing Lunch & Learn with our friends from Central Indiana Educational Service Center, NIESC, Amazon Business, SpendBridge, and TIPS (The Interlocal Purchasing System).
Registration for the Wonders Program Overview, being held on Nov. 6, is now open. Join McGraw-Hill to learn more about this HQCM-approved series. Participants will be equipped to take info back to their districts to assist in the review process. https://tinyurl.com/yc5fambj
ECESC hosted area superintendents/high school admin/counselors through the BSU Study Council to learn about the new diploma requirements from IDOE. We proudly host these events at Sunnyside to foster collaboration between our member districts who are looking for support.
We are proudly hosting our Career Coaching Kick-off this morning. Schools involved with the career coaching grant are learning about the support offered through ECESC.
Are you interested in learning new ways to support multilingual learners? Consider attending this session that focuses on culturally inclusive instruction, differentiated pedagogy, language acquisition, assessment/progress monitoring, and building a supportive community, and walk away with a toolkit of strategies and resources for servicing this group of unique learners. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/tawf9jm
Our New/Beginning Teacher group has been restructured in an attempt to include more participants. For cohort 2, we will utilize a mixture of recorded videos, hybrid meetings, and Zoom meetings. Registrants will be sent weekly videos to watch independently and will attend meetings at the conclusion of each learning section. More details may be found here: https://conta.cc/3MVyL7H
Yesterday, we visited Randolph Eastern's Courting the Cosmos experience. Kevin Honeycutt led students in this immersive STEM experience. Jr/Sr High students built the Moon Village and then served as Moon Mentors for the elementary students for an out-of-this-world experience!
Our September Director’s Update hit inboxes this week. In case you missed it, you can view it here: https://conta.cc/4dZDiBQ
If you are currently not on our email list, click the button at the top of the update to join!
Team members from ECESC and Eastern Indiana Works attended the National Youth Apprenticeship Summit this week to collaborate with leaders from across the country to build a strong foundation for youth apprenticeships across our region and state.
ECESC hosted a team from Wes-Del Schools today for a nonviolent crisis intervention refresher session. Reviewing these strategies is an important part of the school safety process.
The Education Service Centers of Indiana are excited to be launching a new opportunity to transform classrooms. The Building Thinking Classrooms Network will connect educators across the state who want to implement the practices outlined in Peter Liljedahl’s book, Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics. Four virtual sessions will be offered during the 2024-25 school year to allow implementers to connect and learn from each other. Additional opportunities to meet up are coming soon. Learn more about this free network and register: https://escindiana.org/building-thinking-classroom-network/
ECESC has designed a student experience based on RIASEC that will inspire learners to consider how their personal strengths, interests, and values can align with future career paths. If you are interested in learning more, email tphilhower@eastcentralesc.com.
Junior Achievement launched its first JA Inspire Event in East Central Indiana today at Sunnyside Education Center. This career exploration event for 8th and 9th graders allowed students to connect with local employers and see possibilities for thriving futures.
ECESC will kick off our School Safety Specialist Affinity Group with a free in-person event this Friday to connect East Central Indiana School Safety Specialists. Dr. Matthew Hicks will share his experience from the 2018 Noblesville West Middle School shooting and his advocacy for school safety policy at the state and national level. Register Here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/vwqmxv2
The support provided to new (year 1)/beginning teachers (years 2-5) is essential to their success and longevity in the profession. ECESC is proud to launch the second cohort of a program designed to provide this support. Sessions will launch this month and continue into next semester with in-person training and virtual support. Four sessions will provide differentiated support for elementary and secondary educators. Register: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/6t8wnxa
ECESC kicked off our 24-25 Executive Board sessions today. We thank our Executive Board members for their support and leadership!
Dr. Matthew Hicks, Northeastern Wayne
Dr. Kyle Barrentine, Shenandoah
Dr. Matthew Shoemaker, New Castle
Mr. Tom Hunter, Greensburg
Dr. George Philhower, Eastern Hancock
Mr. Aaron Black, Liberty-Perry
Mr. Jeremy Duncan, Fayette County
Selecting a new curriculum requires intentional planning and implementation. We're proud to offer this workshop to guide the selection process and offer suggestions for implementation. Participants will design their roadmap to select and implement a new curriculum with fidelity.
The event is two half-days, 11/12 & 1/ 14, with a Zoom in December. Register here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/mqbf5bv