Building Resilient Students & Schools
ECESC Behavioral Support & Coaching
Dr. Lora Wilson will join your school/district as a thought partner to review discipline data and behavior plans. Together, you will utilize research-based practices to plan for Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 behavior supports. Dr. Wilson’s doctoral work focused on educational neuroscience in collaboration with Dr. Lori Desautels. She also holds a certification in Applied Educational Neuroscience.
Module Learning Targets:
Neuroanatomy & Student Behavior
Understand childhood trauma and its impact on the body and brain.
A. Understand childhood trauma and its impact on the body and brain.
B. Understand the need for attachment for young children and the influence generational trauma can have on students.
C. Identify instructional strategies through a neurodevelopmental model.Understand childhood trauma and its impact on the body and brain.
Stress Responses and Neuroplasticity
A. Understand the types and signs of stress and the effects on students as they strive to learn in the classroom.
B. Recognize and plan for the brain’s superpower of neuroplasticity.
C. Identify personal strategies for building safety and security in the classroom.
Polyvagal Theory in the Classroom Behavior & Discipline
A. Develop knowledge of the nervous system’s lifelong reaction to trauma.
B. Recognize Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 supports through a trauma-informed, student-centered approach.
C. Apply the four key concepts of a person-centered and trauma-informed approach.
Behaviour and Discipline
A. Reflect on discipline practices and collaborate with colleagues on resilience-building practices.
B. Identify effective responses to student misbehavior.
C. Utilize the pathway to trust by developing an understanding of the characteristics of a warm demander.
Getting to Resilience
A. Identify broad building supports for creating an environment of “felt safety.”
B. Identify accommodations through a trauma-informed lens.
C. Develop an understanding of restorative practices.
Contact Lora Wilson to schedule.