Forge Your Future Experience Options

ECESC believes that students’ strengths and interests are a blueprint for forging a future of success and impact. We proudly offer the Forge Your Future Experience to students and educators in our member districts. Each element of the Forge Your Future Experience provides those in the educational space opportunities to grow their understanding of the importance of personal interests in the development of workforce readiness skills. 

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Forge Your Future Student Experience
at Sunnyside 

ECESC has developed six classrooms at Sunnyside Education Center, each representing one of the six RIASEC types, which will become a career exploration opportunity for students in our region. 

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RIASEC Framework Overview

RIASEC codes represent six personality types and link personal strengths, interests, and values to career options. RIASEC is an acronym for the six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. ECESC has developed experiences for educators and students to facilitate self-awareness and productive career exploration. Learn more about the RIASEC framework here.

Sign up to visit Sunnyside here.

Contact Taylor Philhower with questions or for more information.

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Forge Your Future - The Mobile Experience

We believe engaging students in career exploration activities is critical, and geography and limited resources should not be a barrier. In response, ECESC has developed the Forge Your Future Mobile Experience. This mobile learning lab brings activities to your door, allowing students and teachers to explore on their own turf.

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Sign up to reserve our Mobile Experience here.

Contact Taylor Philhower with questions or for more information.

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Forge Your Future - The Educator Experience

The Forge Your Future Educator Experience is designed to allow educators to learn about how students can engage in career-connected learning by learning more about themselves. Presenters will introduce the RIASEC framework for self-discovery and share insights into its connection to careers and future planning. Participants will walk away with an understanding of their personal RIASEC themes and ideas for incorporating these themes into student learning. The Educator Experience provides an interactive tour of ECESC’s Forge Your Future Student Experience tailored to educators.

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Find out about upcoming sessions by visiting our Events Page.

Forge Your FUture The Podcast

Forge Your Future - The Podcast

ECESC has launched a new podcast to celebrate the amazing educators who help the students of East Central Indiana dream big dreams and achieve more than they thought possible. ECESC will lift up their stories of impact and service to students. 

Our Forge Your Future Podcast can be found on Spotify and YouTube.

Be sure to follow our social media platforms for updates.

To listen to our podcasts choose your preferred way to listen:

ECESC Website

Season 1 Button

Season 2 Button

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Forge Your Future Sponsorships